Irvington Legacies – A Tribute: Mary “Marion” Connick

by The Irvington Historical Society

Mary “Marion” Connick, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, passed away on January 1, 2025 at the age of 94. She was an amazing woman who touched the hearts of those she loved through the wonderful meals that she cooked, the special gifts she gave and the many prayers she offered up. She enjoyed her work as an Ad-advisor for the New York Times where her late husband Robert also worked. 

Her love for the community in which she lived for over 70 years was shown by her dedicated work in an organization known as FISH, which helped senior citizens who needed rides to various appointments. She was one of the first Irvington Historical Society Legacies along with Bob and volunteered at the McVickar house, preserving and cataloging the Society’s artifacts. The beautiful garden that she kept in front of the house as well as the big wreath that surrounded the door during Christmas always received compliments from people walking up Main Street. 

In her later years as an Irvingtonite, she enjoyed going to the Senior Center and playing canasta and mahjong with other residents. She is survived by her son, Bob/Rob Jr. (Nancy) and two daughters Laurie and Beth (Paul) as well as seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and Bentley the cat.

A donation can be made to Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital or Cat Sanctuary Paws for Love, 7 Donohoe Court, Buchanan, NY 10511.